How Long Do Persian Cats Live

Persian cats bring a lot of enjoyment to their owners with their beauty and delightful personalities. It is reasonable to wonder what type of lifespan any purebred cat, including a Persian, may enjoy.

How long do Persian cats live?

Most live 12 to 18 years, with 14 being the median age for the breed. A few die before ten because of health problems, but this is rare.

The lifespan of a Persian depends on factors that include whether they are indoor or outdoor cats, lifestyle, diet, and supplementation, and inherited health conditions.

This video, depicting Persian kittens, helps demonstrate how much this breed loves activity, which is necessary for optional health.

How Does Keeping Your Persian Cat Indoors Affect Its Lifespan?

Whether your cat lives in the house or is allowed outside unsupervised plays a role in your pet’s lifespan. Living indoors is better for a cat raised as a pet because they will lack many of the survival skills necessary for the outdoors.

According to The Humane Society, there are many hazards outdoors that can shorten your cat’s lifespan.

Some of the hazards that claim the lives of cats most often are getting hit by a car, being attacked by other animals, or having the misfortune of falling into the hands of an abuser. Poisoning or contracting disease are also unpleasant possibilities.

Free-roaming cats may end up being trapped by animal control, getting lost, or being stolen. Persians also have a nasal structure that increases the chances of sickness due to heat or blowing dust. You can supervise your cat better indoors.

You may want to consider cat fencing, a special cat kennel known as a catio, or teaching your cat to walk on a leash if it enjoys the outdoors. These are all excellent alternatives to keep your cat healthy and safe.

Although some lucky cats live an average lifespan when allowed outside, many are not so fortunate. A cat allowed outside could have a lifespan as short as two to five years. Keeping your cat in will help ensure that you enjoy life with it longer.

Can a Persian Cat’s Lifestyle Affect How Long It Lives?

According to Dana Koch, a healthy weight is one element essential for giving your cat a maximum life expectancy.

Heart disease and diabetes are two conditions that cats may end up with when their weight is over the acceptable limit. Both these diseases have the potential for complications that are life-threatening and may shorten your cat’s life.

One thing that is helpful to remember is that cats, on average, spend far more time sleeping than exercising. Obesity can be a problem for cats of any age, especially if their owners aren’t proactive about making sure they receive enough exercise.

Regular playtime will help your Persian receive the exercise that it needs and keep its mind stimulated. You will also be able to increase the bond you have with your cat, which is essential for its emotional health.

Scratching posts or cat trees provide a substitute for having access to trees outside. Your cat will be able to provide itself with exercise and stimulation. An advantage is that your cat will also be less likely to shred your furniture.

Hiding toys filled with catnip or treats around the house is a fulfilling opportunity for a Persian cat. Games of this type help stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts. Your cat may be more inclined to go looking for treats on its own.

Play activities that include your cat playing with you can also provide your cat with the necessary stimulation. A wand or fishing rod-type toy will encourage your cat to spend time playing with you.

As cats age, their neurologic functions will decrease. However, regular play and stimulating activities will minimize the effects of this reduced function. Your Persian will enjoy a happier life for a longer time.

Does a Cat’s Diet Affect Its Lifespan?

According to Sarah Kane, Persian cats do best on premium cat food. Whenever possible, a food tailored to the nutritional needs of this breed is best.

Even if you opt not a feed a food that is specific to Persians, you will want to consider options that are grain-free. These types of food are free of fillers that can contribute to excess weight gain and have little nutritional value.

Regardless of the brand of food you choose, high protein content is ideal. A higher amount of protein helps this cat maintain proper muscle tone. Another advantage of a high protein intake is that it helps protect your cat’s skin and coat health.

Persian cats thrive on activities that include the chance to find treats around the house. Some are responsive to coming when called if given a treat. However, there are certain types of treats that are unhealthy or dangerous for cats.

Despite the common belief that cats like milk, adult cats suffer from lactose intolerance, making dairy-based treats a bad idea. Additionally, you should avoid giving your Persian treats containing chocolate or alcohol.

Raw meat and fish should be avoided because commercially processed meat is more likely to contain harmful bacteria. Other hazardous foods for cats include avocado, onions, garlic, grapes, and raisins.

Will Health Problems Shorten a Persian Cat’s Lifespan?

According to the Royal Veterinary College, a majority of Persians have at least one health condition.

Acquiring cats from reputable breeders who screen for health issues will prevent a lot of problems that may occur. Once you have your cat, regular veterinary care will also keep a lot of these health problems at bay.

Persian cats have a tendency towards brachycephaly because of their flat faces. This trait makes breathing difficult in hot weather, increasing the chances of the cat developing heatstroke.

Kidney disease is a condition that is the most common cause of death in these cats. Although kidney disease may develop on its own, it is also a common complication of diabetes. Cats that are overweight are more likely to get diabetes.

The second most common cause of death for Persians is cancer. Basal cell tumors are one of the most common types of cancer. These cats are also susceptible to mast cell tumors as well, which can spread very easily.

Cats with healthy lifestyles and diets might be less likely to develop cancer, as well as diabetes and kidney disease. In the case of breathing issues related to their flat faces, these cats can benefit from staying indoors, especially in hot weather.

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Persian Cats Usually Enjoy a Long Lifespan Overall

Persian cats have long lifespans of 12 to 18 years. Certain factors related to these cats’ care can impact their longevity. The journey to enjoying a long life with your cat depends starts with selecting one from a responsible breeder when possible.

Preventing your cat from wandering loose outside will likely increase its lifespan to a significant degree. Keeping your cat engaged through indoor play activities can help contribute to its physical and mental health.

A healthy diet will also play a role in your cat’s lifespan, with better-quality food leading to a longer life. Persians are also susceptible to health conditions that have been inherited or are partially due to breed characteristics.

Although Persian cats have longer lifespans than many cats, the choices that you make regarding your cat’s care will have an impact on how long it lives. The more effort you put into providing quality care, the healthier your cat will be.

How Long Do Persian Cats Live