Living in an apartment comes with many benefits, including affordability, great amenities, and ideal locations, but unfortunately, it can make it a little difficult to own pets.
Many types of cats do not do well with apartment living, so they may get upset, act out, or damage the home.
However, if you are in an apartment and love cats, you do not have to give up hope. There are plenty of breeds that still do well when living in an apartment.
Different apartment owners may have different concerns, so we will take a look at the best cat breeds for various types of apartments.
What Cats Do Well In Small Spaces?
Of course, the primary concern when finding a cat for an apartment is the space. Apartments tend to be far smaller than single family homes, so some types of pets do not have enough space to stay active and exercise.
Cats tend to be territorial and require a place that is just theirs alone, so another issue can be that they get upset and start peeing or doing other things to mark their territory when they are sharing space. These breeds tend to remain happy even in small areas.

A ragdoll might seem like an odd choice since it is so big and fluffy. However, these cats have a very amiable temperament that makes them well suited to apartment living.
They actually get their name from their tendency to flop around and spend time draped all over you.
Though most ragdolls are naturally friendly, they tend to get particularly attached to their primary carer.
Even in a huge apartment, your ragdoll will be happiest around you. Since they love to share space with you, they will not get grumpy due to a lack of personal space. Ragdolls typically have a peaceful temperament, so it is rare for them to get irritable.
American Shorthair Cat

According to the Cat Fanciers Association, this is one of the easiest going and low maintenance cats.
Though they descended from working cats brought over to America in the early colonial period, these cats have very low exercise needs.
They enjoy spending their time napping and relaxing in the sun, so they will not get restless and have pent-up energy in a tiny space.
American shorthairs get along well with other animals, so they are ideal for an apartment dweller who already has one pet and needs a cat that will not get into fights in the small area.
Their thick, dense coat of short hairs seldom sheds, making them a very low maintenance breed.
Persian Cat

Persian cats are so notorious for being lazy that they have barely any space needs at all. This cat is frequently inactive, and it might even get grumpy if you try to wake it up and make it move around.
These big cuddly balls of fur are not phased by a small apartment. Instead, they will typically just claim a napping spot and spend most of their time there.
Persians love to snuggle while they nap, so they can be a great choice if you just want to curl up on the couch with a kitty and watch your favorite movie.
Persians actually tend to get nervous and upset in busy surroundings, so a small, peaceful apartment is actually their ideal settings.
Birman cat

Birmans may not be a very common breed, but if you can find one, they are excellent for an apartment.
They are a very beautiful breed with a white coat, dark points, and blue eyes. These cats tend to have a higher need for social interaction than other breeds, so they will not get grumpy having to always spend time with you in a small area.
Instead, Birmans will actually follow you around, and their favorite place to nap is typically as close to their owner as possible.
They might look high-maintenance with their silky coats, but Catalogical.com explains that they are actually very easy to groom because they do not have an undercoat.
Are There Cat Breeds Who Are Quiet?
Even if your cat is happy and content in a small apartment, it might cause problems for you if it is noisy. Chatty cats like a Siamese can make it almost impossible for you to have any peace and quiet.
In apartments with thinner walls, it is important to be considerate of your neighbors and avoid getting a breed that is going to yowl all night long.
As you can see in this video of Bengal cats, some breeds of cats could end up driving your neighbors crazy and causing you to get many noise complaints. Though every cat is different, there are a few cat breeds that are known for being quiet.
Norwegian Forest Cat

A Norwegian forest cat might look intimidating with their massive furry coat, but they are very gentle giants. These big cats are almost never vocal.
At most, they may purr loudly or mutter a little bit. Norwegian forest cats typically are not lapped cats. Instead, they like to be in the same room as their owner without excessive physical contact.
This breed tends to be intelligent and inquisitive, so it can learn to do things like open apartment cabinets. They are very laid back, so you are unlikely to find them sprinting around your apartment.
Abyssinian Cat

The Abyssinian is so quiet that Purina ranks it as number one on their list of quiet cat breeds. Abyssinians are typically a favorite due to their unique, golden-red coat, but people who adopt them find that they are unusually quiet.
Instead of meowing or yowling, they mainly just make little trills or chirps. Keep in mind that Abyssinians have a very unique personality.
Instead of cuddling and napping, their favorite activity is playing. They are very muscular and wiry, and they can easily get to hard to reach locations like tall shelves. Abyssinians can be very good at learning tricks.
What Are Cats That Don’t Damage Surroundings?
In most cases, apartment dwellers have to pay a deposit that they only get back if they return the apartment undamaged.
Though cats might not be as problematic as large dogs, a determined cat can still do an impressive amount of damage to an apartment.
Some pet owners think their cat will be fine in the smaller space, but do not realize how destructive their cat is until they move in.
A cat is more likely to scratch walls and damages the home if it is a neurotic and energetic breed.
Any intelligent cat can be trained not to damage the home, so if this is a concern, try to find a breed known for its intelligence. Renters concerned about damage to their building can try one of these calm and peaceful cat breeds.
Maine Coon Cats

Since they are so big, most apartment dwellers do not consider a Maine Coon. However, this breed is actually a great option for those who are living in apartments.
Maine Coon cats love relaxing peacefully, so they are ideal for the pet owner who wants a cat to cuddle with.
They are extremely intelligent, so you can quickly teach them not to scratch walls or urinate anywhere besides the litter box.
Their amiable and laid back personalities mean that they are unlikely to develop any behaviors that could end up causing apartment damage. Keep in mind that Maine Coon cats have a lot of furs, so you will need to groom them regularly.
Scottish Fold Cat

Named after their flat, folded ears, this breed is known for being very smart. Though Scottish Folds can be very silly and curious, they are very even-keeled.
The peaceable temperament of these cats means that they are more likely to be laying on your couch than trying to climb up your walls.
In addition to being easy to train, Scottish Folds are also a great option for apartment owners because they do not like being alone.
These cats prefer to know you are nearby. Depending on the type you select, your Scottish fold may have a long coat with dense fur or a short, thick coat.
Japanese Bobtail

Native to Japan, this breed of cat has picked up an international following due to their pleasant temperament. The Japanese Bobtail is a true people pleaser.
This breed is very playful and loving, and they will try to figure out what you want and follow your commands.
Japanese bobtails look slightly different than the standard American bobtail. Instead of completely missing their tail, they have a short, fluffy tail similar to rabbits.
Are There Any Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds?
Most people with mild cat allergies tend to only have trouble when they are exposed to high amounts of cat dander. Unfortunately, even small amounts of shedding can build up when you are living in a small area with your cat.
If you are worried about how your cat allergy will react to living in cramped conditions with a cat, it is important to avoid getting a breed that might end up causing too many health problems for you.
People with cat allergies are actually allergic to a protein in cat saliva, but some breeds do not produce this protein. If you are allergic, you might want to consider one of these hypoallergenic breeds.
Sphynx Cat

Of course one of the simplest ways to deal with allergies is to go with a Sphynx cat. Since these cats do not have fur, the proteins that cause allergy problems cannot get trapped in their fur.
Sphynx cats tend to be far more people-oriented than most other cat breeds. They will greet you at the door and happily follow you around the apartment.
Keep in mind that Sphynx cats do not like sharing the attention with others, so they may not do well in apartments with other animals or small children.
Since they do not have fur, this breed does best in indoor areas that are warm and temperature controlled.
Russian Blue

Russian Blues get their name from their silvery blue coat and blue-green eyes. Russian Blues do not have an unusual type of coat that prevents allergic reactions.
As Russian Blue Love explains, their hypoallergenic status comes from the fact that they produce far less of the proteins that cause an allergic reaction. The Russian Blue is not just a great cat for apartments because it is hypoallergenic.
This breed tends to dislike strangers or unexpected surprises. They prefer a peaceful, routine environment where they are familiar with all their surroundings.
Devon Rex

This breed of cat has a very unusual coat. Instead of the thick overcoat that most cats have, it only has an undercoat. This results in a very fine, short coating of fur over the cat. With their wide ears and short faces, a Devon Rex looks similar to a Sphynx cat with fur.
In addition to holding less allergic proteins in their short coat, Devon Rex’s also produced less of these proteins than other cats.
They are very affectionate with humans, so they have a friendly and peaceful temperament that is well suited to apartment living. Devon Rex might be skinny, but most of them absolutely love food. This makes it easy to motivate them for training.
Siberian Cat

Most hypoallergenic cats tend to be animals with a very short, fine coat like the Devon Rex or Oriental Shorthair.
However, if you love the look of a full, thick coated cat, it is still possible even if you have allergy problems.
The Siberian Cat produces fewer levels of allergen proteins than any other breed. They shed their thick coat once a year, so you do not have to bother with hair floating around your apartment all year.
Siberian cats are known for being quiet and calm, so they do well in small apartments. They tend to be medium-sized cats with a moderate amount of energy, so they love to play with you for hours.

Hi, This is Alexa, and I love cats. This Website is a Complete Journal about how to travel with a cat and other information about Cat Health, Cat Training, Cat Behavior, Cat Foods and more. I hope you find it useful.